#4 #habit-4 #principles #trust #emotional-balance
Life is not a zero-sum game, there are not systematically a winner and a loser. Most of the time there are solutions that make everyone better off.
Make deposits into the emotional balance of other people, earn their trust.
Coaching is a win-win game, trusting the coachee to fix the problem, while fixing the problem.
One to one meeting is a win/win tool, it helps the employee develop, feel more appreciated and cared for, fostering their development and therefore Motivation and productivity.
The 7 habits of highly effective people, principle #3 and #4. My notes on the topic:
See trust as an account with someone, you can deposit to it by building trust, and you can withdraw by breaching it. “You can’t talk you out from issues created by your own behavior”. Successful relationships require depositing to the account. Ways to deposit: listen and understand, small acts of kindness, never break of promise.
Set the expectations to make sure people don’t get disappointed
Most things are not a zero - sum game, you don’t need for others to lose to win.
The "Earn trust" leadership principle of Amazon