#delivery #management #organization #process-improvement


The performance state of a team is on a continuum:

graph LR;

A[<b>Falling behind</b><br/>Add people]
B[<b>Surviving</b><br/>Reduce WIP]
C[<b>Repaying debt</b><br/>Add time]
D[<b>Innovating</b><br/>Add slack]


Mostly those states are relative to the state of technology fundamentals, and going to the next state is done by allocating more time to fixing the debt, and not over-pressuring the team to ensure output is qualitative and doesn't start incurring debt in the first place.

Teams that are falling behind barely output anything and keep accumulating debt. Their backlog typically keeps growing. Getting out is done by adding people.

Teams that are surviving output critical work but don't progress at all on fundamentals. Getting out is done by lowering WIP on features.

Teams that are repaying debt progress on fundamentals and buy themselves more time along the way. Getting out is done by adding time when planning features to allow for more debt repayment.

Teams that are innovating have low and sustainable levels of debt and most of the work is to satisfy user needs. Getting out is done by making sure slack is maitained to avoir increasing debt.



Will Larson / An elegant puzzle

The framework starts with a vocabulary for describing teams and their performance within their surrounding context.

Teams are slotted into a continuum of four states:

A team is falling behind if each week their backlog is longer than it was the week before. Typically, people are working extremely hard but not making much progress, morale is low, and your users are vocally dissatisfied.

A team is treading water if they’re able to get their critical work done, but are not able to start paying down technical debt or begin major new projects. Morale is a bit higher, but people are still working hard, and your users may seem happier because they’ve learned that asking for help won’t go anywhere.

A team is repaying debt when they’re able to start paying down technical debt, and are beginning to benefit from the debt repayment snowball: each piece of debt you repay leads to more time to repay more debt.

A team is innovating when their technical debt is sustainably low, morale is high, and the majority of work is satisfying new user needs.

Teams want to climb from falling behind to innovating, while entropy drags them backward. Each state requires a different tact.

In this framework, teams transition to a new state exclusively by adopting the appropriate system solution for their current state. As a manager, your obligation is to identify the correct system solution for a given transition, initiate that solution, and then support the team as best you can to create space for the solutions to work their magic. If you skip to supporting the team tactically before initiating the correct system solution, you’ll exhaust yourself with no promise of salvation. For each state, here is the strategic solution that I’ve found most effective, along with some ideas about how to support the team while that solution comes to fruition:

  1. When the team is falling behind, the system fix is to hire more people until the team moves into treading water. Provide tactical support by setting expectations with users, beating the drum around the easy wins you can find, and injecting optimism. As a caveat, the system fix is to hire net new people, increasing the overall capacity of the company. Sometimes people instead attempt to capture more resources from the existing company, and I’m pretty negative on that. People are not fungible, and generally folks end up in useful places, so I’m skeptical of reassigning existing individuals to drive optimality. By nature, it’s also impossible for this kind of discussion to not become political, even when everyone involved has deep trust in and respect for each other.
  2. When the team is treading water, the system fix is to consolidate the team’s efforts to finish more things, and to reduce concurrent work until they’re able to begin repaying debt (e.g., limit work in progress). Tactically, the focus here is on helping people transition from a personal view of productivity to a team view.
  3. When the team is repaying debt, the system fix is to add time. Everything is already working, you just need to find space to allow the compounding value of paying down technical debt to grow. Tactically try to find ways to support your users while also repaying debt, to avoid disappearing into technical debt repayment from your users’ perspective. Especially for a team that started out falling behind and is now repaying debt, your stakeholders are probably antsy waiting for the team to start delivering new stuff, and your obligation is to prevent that impatience from causing a backslide!
  4. Innovating is a bit different, because you’ve nominally reached the end of the continuum, but there is still a system fix! In this case, it’s to maintain enough slack in your team’s schedule that the team can build quality into their work, operate continuously in innovation, and avoid backtracking. Tactically, ensure that the work your team is doing is valued: the quickest path out of innovation is to be viewed as a team that builds science projects, which inevitably leads to the team being defunded.

I can’t stress enough that these fixes are slow. This is because systems accumulate months or years of static, and you have to drain that all away. Conversely, the same properties that make these fixes slow to fix make them extremely durable once in effect!

The hard part is maintaining faith in your plan—both your faith and the broader organization’s faith. At some point, you may want to launder accountability through a reorg, or maybe skip out to a new job, but if you do that you’re also skipping the part where you get to learn. Stay the path.