#delivery #product-management #priorities


The cost of delay is the recurring value of the profit lost or the money spent on delaying a feature or project.

Arguably everything should be quantified on its impact to the life-cycle profit[2].

The interesting aspect of the cost of delay is that it helps evaluating optimizations (e.g. reducing debt, fixing bugs, …), additions (e.g. adding features), and improvements to the production capacity (e.g. improve process, tooling, diagnostics, etc.)

Cost of delay measures 5 sensibilities:

It is key to prioritizing the queues, measuring the cost of queues.


Cost of delay helps determining the impact of Batch size and wip



[1]: Principles of product flow

The Principle of Quantified Cost of Delay: If you only quantify one thing, quantify the cost of delay.

~ The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development, Donald G Reinertsen

[2]: Principles of product flow

The key idea is that product and project attributes that have economic value should be quantified using a standardized and useful unit of measure: life-cycle profit impact.

~ The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development, Donald G Reinertsen