#mental-health #psychology #mariage #psychological-safety #emotions #emotional-balance


Trival things, which taken individually would not matter, can amount to a ball of reproaches that passes someone's threshold of tolerance.

Mariages can end because of glasses left in the sink rather than dishwasher[1].



[1]: A Dirty Dish by the Sink Can Be a Big Marriage Problem -[ref](# A Dirty Dish by the Sink Can Be a Big Marriage Problem):

I was arguing about the merits of a glass by the sink. But for my wife, it wasn’t about the glass. It wasn’t about dishes by the sink, or laundry on the floor, or her trying to get out of doing the work of caring for our son, for whom there’s nothing she wouldn’t do.

It was about consideration. About the pervasive sense that she was married to someone who did not respect nor appreciate her. And if I didn’t respect or appreciate her, then I didn’t love her in a manner that felt trustworthy. She couldn’t count on the adult who had promised to love her forever because none of this dish-by-the-sink business felt anything like being loved.