#algorithm #sort


Heap sort follows that:

  1. make array into a Heap by heapifying it
  2. Takes the largest element, swap with last, make the heap one element shorter (consider its upper bound one less)
  3. siftDown the first element (i.e. put it in its right place)
  4. Repeat from 2 until heap size is 1





reference implementation

function heapify(array, root = 0) {
  if (root >= array.length / 2) {
  const c1 = root * 2 + 1
  const c2 = root * 2 + 2
  heapify(array, c1)
  heapify(array, c2)
  siftDown(array, root, array.length)

function siftDown(array, root, size) {
  let val = array[root];

  while (true) {
    const c1 = root * 2 + 1
    const c2 = root * 2 + 2
    const val1 = c1 < size ? array[c1] : Number.MIN_VALUE
    const val2 = c2 < size ? array[c2] : Number.MIN_VALUE
    if (val1 > val2 && val1 > val) {
      swap(array, root, c1)
      root = c1
    } else if (val2 > val) {
      swap(array, root, c2)
      root = c2
    } else {
      // elmt in its place

function swap(array, i, j) {
  const tmp = array[i]
  array[i] = array[j]
  array[j] = tmp

function heapSort(array) {
  let size = array.length
  heapify(array, 0)
  while (size > 1) {
    swap(array, 0, --size)
    siftDown(array, 0, size)

const array = [3, 4, 1, 5, 34, 21, 454, 12, 66, 23, 34, 55, 2, 5, 6, 2, 9, 7]