- Thinking in bets
- Migration - decouple client migration and producer migration
- Drive
- Document review
- Attention economy
- Ref: Digital minimalism
- Abundance of information
- my way or the high way
- earned wisdom vs borrowed wisdom
- what you think you are does not define who you think you are
- recycling (applicability to a lot of stuff). Tabula rasa
- time theft
- me and I
- truckers hitch, tot notch
- wind follows the lines from left to right
- carbon tax - move from work to carbon
- one way to sell transition is to sell a dream
- capitalism is driven by incentives
- transition driven by corporate seeing the direction and receiving the message that pollution will cost them lot
- timescale of carbon
- fossil fuel is carbon captured 10 to 100m. Years ago
- burning creates an asymmetry between de stocking of that carbon and the rythme at which life can capture that carbon
- wood is only renewable if it's not deforestation
- biomass generally is hard to account because culture requires deforestation